CompactSoft Human Resources Management System Package

It is the backbones of the organization throughout detailed following up of the personnel & job information including following up of vacation’s balances, vacation hours taken and the administrative penalties rules according to the company’s rules. Also connecting between the clock & the system in order to read the actual attendance & leaving times automatically in order to get the balances of delays, overtimes, absence days, penalties and connecting it with the payroll on the employee base.
Recording of employee’s salaries (base salary items and deduction salary items), its calculation methods, following up of the monthly variables & loans with calculating of the taxes and insurance according to the laws of state in order to extract the employee’s or company’s payroll slip, the company’s payroll statement, the company’s insurance statement, the company’s taxes statement and the tax adjustment statement.
In addition to the availability of connecting the incentives with the human resources throughout calculating the incentive value from the production & regularity incentives in values, days and hours, also the detailed follow up of the employees in the insurance authority for the company’s working employees or the terminated employees, also auditing of the company’s insured and non insured, also following up of the insurance payments, extracting the insurance adjustments and the different insurance forms.
The system also can organize, administer and distribute the employees on the vans in order to achieve the ideal utilization of the van’s routes and following up of the van’s expenses.
- Administration of the personnel module in an efficient way throughout following up of the employee’s detailed information, vacation’s balances and vacation hours taken.
- Registration & following up of the administrative rules and connecting it with the payroll module.
- Following up of the employee’s position hierarchy and evaluating the employee’s appraisal throughout the periodical efficiency reports.
- Recording of employee’s salaries (base salary items and deduction salary items) with accurate & fast calculation of the taxes and insurance according to the laws of state.
- Following up of calculating the different profits and incentives and registration on the loans and the actual return of loans.
- Following up of adjustments, the employee’s income tax and the company’s income tax.
- The availability of releasing the employee’s salaries from the petty cash & banks and extracting a report of the payroll slips and payroll statements in summary & details.
- The availability of integrating between the payroll and general ledger modules and its distribution on the cost centers & projects.
- Organizing & auditing of employee’s attendance time & leaving time with registration of the penalties rules, applying it, identifying the penalties reasons and fixing it also the overtimes.
- Connection between the clock & the system in order to read the actual attendance & leaving times for the employees automatically.
- Extracting the different reports including the vacations, absence and the actual overtimes for a specific period.
- Recording & following up of insurance for the company’s working employees, the terminated employees and the employed, also extracting the forms of them.
- Recording of the health insurance and relating it with social insurance.
- Auditing of the insurance payments on the different organization’s branches.
- Organizing, administrating & distributing the employees on the vans in order to achieve the ideal utilization of the van’s routes.
- Following up of the movement and the expenses of the vans.
- Recording of the annual van’s budget.
- The availability of calculating the different types of incentives such as production incentive and regularity incentive during periods (weekly, monthly or annually).
- The availability of calculating the incentives in hours, days or values.
- The availability of calculating the incentive according to the production criterions and the company's regularity.
- The availability of connecting the incentives with the human resources throughout calculating the incentive value and adding it in the employee's payroll slip.