CompactSoft Financial System Package

The financial modules are the organization’s backbones of all modules which analyze the different sub modules such as Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Banks, Letters of Credit, Letters of Guarantee and Checks, also the availability of creating the vouchers with the different journal names & multi currencies with distributing it on cost centers, also the availability of extracting the different reports such as financial statements, and finally distributing the budget on the ledger accounts & cost centers in order to achieve the actual balances & comparing it with the previous years.

In addition to fixed assets module which includes recording & following up of fixed assets, its depreciations, distributing its value on cost centers, extracting the periodic depreciation vouchers, disposal vouchers & acquisition vouchers and in addition to the checks module which includes recording & following up of checks in, out, promissory notes on the different tax authorities, the status of different methods of payments and extracting the reports of paid, unpaid, reversed checks and the compensation between in & out in multi currencies.
Also the letters of guarantee module which includes recording & following up of its different types in multi currencies, its issue purpose, extracting the reports on different levels and total bank facilities, also the letters of credit module includes recording & following up of its details, its invoices, its items, its expenses and extracting the details & total costs after recalculating the costs of credit’s items by distributing all expenses on it. Also the drawback module which includes following up of the customs release certificate including the detailed information of the imported materials, connecting it with the vendor’s invoices with following up of the customer’s export sales invoices, the export release certificates for finished goods and identifying the retrieved values from the customs. Also the Free Zones (custom module) which includes recording of the customer’s information, the suppliers of materials, recording of production rates & materials scraps, recording of all information about letters of guarantee in the import authorization and transforming the materials into finished goods in the export authorization according to the forms of ministry of investment and Calculating of the value for the local & foreign authorizations.
In addition to the accounts receivable module which includes recording of its details, all the payments types in multi currencies, extracting a report of customer's indebtedness and payments of invoices & its effect on cash flow. Also the accounts payable module which includes recording of its details in order to classify the cash, credit purchases and its payments in multi currencies. Also the petty cash module which includes the status of liquidity, recording & following up of the petty cash, checks & bill of exchange and identifying the available balances in different currencies. Also the banks module which includes following up of the bank facilities from different bank accounts with the guarantee of the checks & bill of exchange deposits with recording the different debit & credit transactions, the dealing volume with the company, the availability to calculate the balances of bank accounts automatically in multi currencies, the bank facilities & guarantees volumes with modifying the bank & facilities balances and extracting different reports of the available bank facilities in different periods. In addition to the credit department which includes recording, following up & revising of checks in with multi currencies & its different types and extracting a report of total checks, the daily transactions of the paid, reversed and the deposits on different levels.
In addition to create & post for all vouchers from sub modules to the general ledger module.
-Identifying the financial statements, cash flows, and general journals of the organization for the purpose of financial auditing on all company’s projects & its cost centers and finally the availability of extracting consolidated financial statement for more than one company in order to make comparison between fiscal years to identify the target profitability.
-Following up & distributing the ledger budgets on the different cost centers and comparing it with the actual transactions, following up of the deviation’s reasons and the availability of comparing the current fiscal year with the previous fiscal years.
- Periodic follow up of the organization’s fixed assets of its cost centers including depreciations, acquisitions, sales disposals and the resulted profit or loss.
- Recording & following up of checks & bill of exchange for the organization, the availability of printing checks from the system according to the bank’s form, identifying the status of it whether it is paid, unpaid & reversed checks, following up of promissory notes & connecting it with the tax authorities and following up of total vendor’s treatment.
- Recording of the imported budget of items & follow up of its execution, recording & following up of the letters of credit and their invoices, distributing of the letters of credit expenses on the items and recalculating cost prices in the local currency.
- Recording & following up of letters of guarantee’s information with its different types, its multi currencies, using the bank facilities for the letters of guarantee and extracting a report of the total letters of guarantee on many levels.
- Tracking of the imported materials used in producing finished products for exporting purposes, tracking of the vendor’s invoices and tie it with the custom release certificate, tracking of the customer’s export sales invoices and relate it with the export release certificates and calculating for the appropriate values & the retrieved values of the customs after finishing the settlement of the export release certificate after matching it with the custom balances.
- Following up of issuing the import, export authorizations & subcontracting for the different local & imported materials (quantities & values), calculation of the consumption & scrapes of different materials which uses in producing finished products according to the investment authority and calculation of the values for the local & foreign authorizations.
- Recording & following up of customer's indebtedness, aging of customers, payments of invoices with different methods of payments and its effect on cash flow.
- Analyzing of the vendor’s account statement for the cash, credit purchases and the different methods of payments.
- The availability of integrating between different modules throughout connecting between the departments throughout the consolidated financial statements, the availability of recording & following up of promissory notes & cash deposits and extracting a report for the actual balance and comparing it with the budget for cash accounts, checks and bill of exchange.
- Following up of the daily bank & expense accounts and the availability to calculate the balances of the daily bank transactions automatically by identifying it if it’s debit or credit in order to extract a report of the bank balances to identify the bank facilities & guarantees volume and to specify the dealing volume with the company.