CompactSoft Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Package

This module aims to identify the start and end point in the organization’s route starting from creating customer’s sales orders, identifying their requirements in quantities, their delivery dates and their terms of payments in order to identify the items and materials balances inside the warehouses and if it covers the requirements or not in order to create the purchase orders for these requirements with considering the vendor’s lead times and terms of payments in order to save the requirements and considering the production routes capacities and the scheduling times for each production order, also increase the value of the production and regularity incentive values for the employees in order to increase the productivity rates. In addition to planning for the sales forecasts of the next years depending on the extracted analyses from the system of the previous year’s quantity and value in order to help the organization to take the right decision about expanding the sales volume.

- Planning for budgeting of the next years according to the extracted financial statements of the previous years.
- The availability of taking the right decision concerning the customer's discounts rules by applying it on the largest customer's sales volume and searching for the reasons of decreasing sales volumes for some customers throughout the customer's financial analysis.
- The availability of taking the right decision of expanding the production or purchase volume for specific products throughout its demand volume, its movements or the reasons for stopping distributing it in the market compared with the targeted distribution. This is done throughout studying the product's movements inside the company.
- The availability of identifying and following up of inventory models for costing and credit policies.
- Identifying if the organization will continue dealing with the current vendors or searching for new vendors throughout finding new vendors who supplying with lower costs for materials in order to decrease the finished product's costs.
- Periodic follow up of the organization's tools and equipments according to the actual maintenance schedules in which we identify the maintenance cost for the tolls & equipments and saving the required spare parts in the warehouses.
- Connecting the organization's aims with the budgeting, sales forecast and production plans in order to achieve the marketing and customer requirements with saving the requirements from materials, labors and the financial resources plan in order to cover the required & planned production orders during the production operations with comparing the planned and the actual production to calculate the deviations, the reasons behind this scrap and how to handle this scrap, also identification for the unused capacities of the work centers and the optimal usage for the capacity of the production plans and work centers in order to identify the accurate delivery dates to the customer's sales orders in addition to follow up of the product's quality, calculate and increase the production and regularity incentives for the employees in order to increase the productivity rates.
- The availability of taking the right decision of opening new marketing zones or concentrating more to increase the sales volume on specific zones throughout knowing the largest zone's sales volume from the system.
- Integrating between the different modules in order to facilitate transforming the information between modules and saving the efforts & required time for recording the information again in more than one module.